Process, plant, and manufacturing facilities managers rely on CEO Structural Engineers for a wide variety of structural design projects specific to industrial processes, including:
CEOSE has extensive experience providing structural design for power plant, industrial process and manufacturing applications. In fact, it’s a big part of our business. Our clients include mechanical, electrical and process engineers serving major industrial concerns such as Exxon-Mobile, ConocoPhillips, Inergy, Kansas City Power & Light, Aquila Energy, Extreme Energy Solutions, SunPower, Alliant Techsystems, Northrup Gruman, Ford Motor Co., Duke Energy, Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant, WaterOne, Westar, Sprint, Alltel, Cox Communications, COKE and Verizon.
Many of our clients have found that the high quality of our construction documents reduce construction costs by narrowing the bid range, expediting construction and reducing or eliminating change orders. These efficiencies also reduce construction management frustrations for project owners and administrators, a particularly important consideration when implementing complex plant retrofit projects.
CEO Structural Engineers have a proven track record designing retrofit structures inside working plants and manufacturing facilities. We are committed to delivering only highly constructible and efficient structural designs that minimize disruptions to plant and facilities operations and the managers who are responsible for keeping the wheels turning while a retrofit plant upgrade is underway. If you are considering a plant or process modification we would be happy to provide you with a quote so please don’t hesitate to call.
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